Your legacy

An Estate Plan outlines who has the power to make healthcare and financial decisions on your behalf during your life, as well as providing proper control of your assets, ensuring that they go into the right hands at the right time after your death.

At True Wealth Advisers, we can help maximise the amount that is passed to your chosen beneficiaries and minimise how much goes to unintended creditors, other beneficiaries and even the ATO. To ensure that this happens in your case, it is important to carefully analyse your personal situation and have a valid Will drafted.

With our guidance, we will take you through everything you need to consider and make sure that the things most important to you are covered.

To find out how we can help you, please contact us.

The Smart Guide to Estate Planning

Download our free eBook to learn more about how you can ensure the transfer of your assets to your beneficiaries in line with your wishes.

Learn more about:

  1. Importance of estate planning
  2. Key components of estate planning
  3. Powers of attorney
  4. Superannuation
  5. and more.